Quiet house


This is the beginning of a new phase in ds2’s life. Eighteen and his first day of school! He is attending a secondary school on the other side of the lake, not in our catchment area, but his best friend goes there and can welcome him and show him around. It should be a fairly easy transition as he’s only doing one class this semester (theatre) unless they can find room for him in metalwork (making medieval armour). So it’ll be three half days one week, two the next. Not all early mornings thankfully. Add to that his online English and math courses and he’s going to be a lot busier than he’s used to. I’m hoping he’ll find time for reading the ICBC book and getting his drivers licence too.

Ds3 is off for a short holiday this morning. His best friend plus parents are heading to the coast, somewhere we’ve never been to – the Sunshine Coast – which is on the mainland but you have to take a ferry to get there. It’s only four days but going on holiday without his family is a new experience for him. He’s 15 so I’m sure he’ll be fine.

Ds1 was the first out the door this morning to go to his full time job. Tai Chi Man stayed home later than usual so he could drive ds2 to school for 8.30. And I am home to see off ds3.

I don’t often have time at home alone. What a strange morning it will be! As I haven’t worked on the garter swing coat for the last couple of days (so much for my resolution) I think I will dedicate an hour to that. And maybe get the vacuuming done. And maybe a walk if it’s not pouring with rain. The weather turned really fast mid-September and it’s been cold and windy and wet. There’s snow on Little White which I can see when I’m out for my walks.

Well, they’re all gone and now I think it’s time for a solitary breakfast!

One response »

  1. That is probably the thing I miss most about my time pk (pre kids)…time at home alone. It so rarely happens. But I know it will come back into my life soon enough. Enjoy your morning!

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