Category Archives: uncategorized

Happy Monday


I’m having a very good day so far.  I hustled the two younger boys out of bed so that they could be ready for pickup by our senior friend, J.  She arrived at 11am and took them off to hunt Easter Eggs with friends.  It’s mostly sunny today, but there are clouds threatening, and the wind is strong, so it’s probably pretty cold down by the lake.  They took sweaters and coats and food and drink, so I’m sure they’ll be fine.

I’m enjoying the peace and quiet (MacAddict is in bed so no teen music to listen to) and it’s 1pm and my housework is done.  Some of the laundry that I hung out this morning is already dry and put away, thanks to all that wind.  I am keeping an eye on the weather as I can see showers over the mountains across the lake.

yarn bombing buttons

yarn bombing buttons

I forgot to tell you that these arrived this week: Yarn Bombing buttons (or badges if you’re talking English English!) that were sent to me by the lovely ladies at  If you can’t see the writing on them, they say I love subversive crochet, yarn bomber, and I love guerrilla knitting.  I have actually made three pieces of knitting to use as yarn graffiti, but haven’t figured out where I’m going to put them yet.

sweater progress

sweater progress

On Sunday, I made good progress on the Pinup Queen sweater.  Friday and Saturday, I spent a fair amount of time in the garden, but Sunday I rested and knitted and listened to a book on tape.  The back is done.  The top edge looks rather untidy – the centre back has a small facing which will later be folded under and stitched down.  I have knitted 3.5 inches of the front too.  I am a little nervous about the size, so when the front is done I’ll check that it will actually fit before going ahead with the sleeves.  The ribbing makes it look very skinny, but it’s very stretchy.

Since I started writing this post, the boys have returned with a basket full of chocolate which they can’t eat because it’s not vegan.  Ah well, I’m sure we’ll find someone to give it all to.  I made sure they had a few Earth Balls with them  (which are little vegan chocolate spheres wrapped in foil printed with a map of the earth).

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend.