Tag Archives: hiking

Birthday weekend!


I am in the middle of three days off, tomorrow being Monday and my birthday.

We didn’t manage an overnight camping/cabin trip, sadly, as it was too late to book anything and I didn’t want to just show up somewhere and hope to get a campsite. So instead we went out for the day, Mr Fixit and I, and were tourists in our own town. Well, our own province, rather. We drove to a good hiking spot that we’d been to before, separately. I had been there with my youngest son and some homeschool friends years ago, and Mr Fixit had taken ds1 and ds3 up there when they all had new fancy cameras to test out.

We set out early enough for it to still be cool enough to hike up a mountain without dying of heat, though in fact it only reached about 25 today, and there was quite a bit of cloud. Word from other hikers was that there were two bears about, but we didn’t see them. We hiked to the summit, enjoyed the view for a while, then hiked down.

Afterwards, it was off to a local vegan restaurant for lunch (they are allowing people to eat at their outside tables) and then to a park for some beach time. It was really windy and definitely not hot, surprisingly for August, but I swam and sunbathed, and Mr Fixit read his book. If it had been hotter, we would definitely have stayed longer. I didn’t feel like I was topping up the tan at all, though sitting here on my couch tonight I can see my shoulders are a bit red.

Avocado grilled “cheese” sandwich
Ginger snap and oatmeal choc chip!

And as if that wasn’t enough fresh air and exercise, I also spent a couple of hours cleaning the house this evening, which feels awesome as it was overdue.

Tomorrow I shall have to make myself a birthday cake! Not sure what kind yet – it will depend on ingredients on hand as I didn’t think of that when we went to the supermarket yesterday. I will leave you with this little sign that we found along the trail today.

FO: Bill’s hat


The info on the pattern and yarn for this hat is in my previous post. As I was loving the muted shades that had come out of the yarn cake for the majority of the hat, I stopped before the brighter orange, wound off a bit from the outside of the cake, and used the brownish purple for the very tip top instead. That way, all the colours have the same tone.

The hat used less than 50 grams, which means I have at least 100 grams left in the cake (and the small balls that were wound off to get the colours to behave themselves) and I could actually make two more hats. Three hats from one cake, and they’d all look completely different!

Sally the Styrofoam Head is a little smaller than a real head so she doesn’t accurately represent the size comparative to a real person, but she is useful for blocking on.

The weather has been very Spring-like the last week. And it seems to be paying attention to my work days. Tuesday and Wednesday I was working, Thursday and Friday I wasn’t, and the sun shone and it made for lovely hiking and a bit o’ sunbathing. Even some dinner outside on the deck Friday evening, followed by some knittin’.

I worked all weekend and the wrist was quite painful after the busy sale days. The sky was cloudy with a few spits of rain but I didn’t mind because I was indoors.

Then Monday and Tuesday were again fine – a mix of sun and cloud, another walk with a friend…

Some pretty views of the lake and mountains from the high vantage point. The Arrowleaf Balsamroot is out in force – it’s such a bright and welcome addition to the hillsides at this time of year. (Click on the pics if you want to see them bigger.)

I was a good girl today and went to the gym this morning. Thirty minutes on the treadmill, made easier by the fact that I remembered my iPad and earbuds. Then some weights, including a few careful exercises with a 3lb and 5lb dumbbell with the right hand. Tonight Tai Chi Man and I are going to a yoga class.

I have to run – need to get into my yoga gear and get out of the house shortly. Happy crafting, everyone.



WIP: Bill’s hat update


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Hello all. How are you? Despite my slow progress, the hat for my father-in-law has reached 4.75″ tall and there’s only an inch to go until I start the crown decreases. The pattern is Vanilla Hat and is a basic DK weight hat that has a folded hem at the brim and four sets of decreases at the crown. Very simple.

I’m using Lion Brand Mandala in the colourway Chimera. Because this is quite a small project, I have been trying to figure out how many of the colour changes will appear in the hat. I actually cut out a fair amount of both the mid-green and the yellow-green, only giving the yellow-green a half inch of exposure before going into the yellow. I really hope I get some orange and red in there too, maybe with some fudging.

After finishing the blanket last Friday, I did no knitting or crochet for two whole days! At my Monday night Hygge group I planned to knit on the hat, but was sidetracked by my friend’s blanket which was damaged. She brought it to me to fix. Her cast on was tight and it had actually broken and there was a ragged bit about four inches long. So I picked out the cast on edge, got the work back on the needles about two or three rows down, unravelled the damaged bits to the point where all was well, and reknit a row. She is planning to add a bit more length to the blanket so I left it on the needles so she can knit some more rows then bind off.

I took the hat to work with me on Tuesday so I could do a row or two. Yes, I’m back at work. Mixed feelings about that 😛 It’s nice to be back socialising with my co-workers and chatting with the customers. Because I’m not ready to cut fabric or lift bolts yet, I’m on the till. There’s a big sale this weekend and I’m scheduled for Saturday AND Sunday.

First day back, my wrist did ok, but second day was a little more challenging. Maybe a rest day between shifts would have been a good idea, but I didn’t think to ask.

Today I went hiking with a friend. It felt really hot.  I don’t know what the official high temperature was, but it felt like mid-20s Celsius. The sun was shining and we were walking for about 3 hours; well, a bit less than that if you don’t count the short break halfway for a sit and a snack. I am so glad I set aside my vanity and wore my $3 dollar store sunhat, because I think I’d have felt a lot hotter and been sunburned by the end of it, without the shade. Last time we hiked there, my family and friends were invaded by ticks. I think we managed to catch them all before they embedded themselves, but I was wary this time. After sitting in the grass to have our snack, I found a tick on my hand, so I flicked it off and we did a clothing check. When I got home, I stripped off in the bathroom and showered, running my hands through my hair to be sure I had no hitchhikers.

So I’m grateful for friends, sunshine, spring and smoothies. What are you grateful for?


Spring Bag and general waffling



This is the finished Spring Bag from Lily/Sugar ‘n Cream that I was challenged to make by the Calling All Crocheters group on Ravelry. It’s pretty, especially in the Loops & Threads Chameleon yarn from  Michaels. I used almost the whole 100 gram ball and the colour changes were mostly different all the way through. I think I shall have to  make something next with the rest of the yarn and my new Tunisian hooks, something really simple that just shows off the yarn itself.

The yarn is 100% acrylic, soft and a little fluffy, and a bit thicker in places, and I only found one knot which thankfully was in one strand, not both, so the colour change wasn’t too obvious.

I didn’t have any beads so used a couple of large buttons instead.

This photo was taken this morning outside (it’s cloudy today) and the difference between this and the ones I took  last night in artificial light is huge. Much better colour definition.

We had clouds all day yesterday, but it was still in the 20s, and the forecast is for a few days of clouds and some rain. We are always grateful for rain here, as we live in what’s basically a desert. I know it doesn’t look like it, with our huge lake and numerous trees, but the non-irrigated parts are brown and dry every summer. We pay per litre for the water we use, so if Mother Nature sees fit to water my garden and I can turn off my underground sprinklers, then I’m thankful for that. We water as  minimally as we can, and at night as per the city rules (which of course make sense, as otherwise it would all evaporate too quickly).

We have had to be satisfied with a less than perfect lawn, which doesn’t bother me, but if it’s too dry then it affects fruit production in our apricot and cherry trees. Tai Chi Man recently attended a xeriscaping workshop, which teaches you which plants to landscape with that can survive without irrigation. Obviously, indigenous plants fare better than ones that have been brought in just because they look nice!

Our potatoes, beans and beets have been shooting out of the ground in the last week. We tried some bird scarer tape (shiny) around the vegetable patch but it didn’t keep the quails off. So now we have some added protection with a bit of chicken wire as well, as the quails like to run through the soil, dustbathing and pecking our fresh leaves down to the ground. I realise it’s a trade-off, as I’m sure the birds eat bugs that could also eat our plants, but when armies of quail babies meet tender green leaves the result is dead plants!

As I seem to be venturing into non-crochet territory this week, one of the lowlights of my week was that my car was broken into. I went walking in a fairly remote place with a friend. I parked my car without a thought and off we went for four hours (if you’d like to Google it, it’s the famous Kettle Valley trail, which runs, I believe, from Midway to Hope, BC). There is an access into Myra Canyon off McCullough Road. It involves a rather bumpy ride of about 10km on an unpaved road. I had no problem driving it with my Toyota Matrix so you don’t need a 4WD.

The hike itself is flat, because it used to be a railway. There are no rails  there any more, but there are many trestles to cross, which have been restored by dedicated volunteers to make them safe for hikers and bikers. It’s so peaceful there, as no motorised vehicles are allowed, and the air is fresh because you’re way out of town. In places you can see the city of Kelowna 3000 feet below. We went in the morning before it got too hot.

Unfortunately, because the parking lot is deserted much of the time, opportunists come and see what the pickings are. I found this out the hard way. When we returned to the car, we got in, had a snack and some coconut water, and as I was sitting there in the drivers seat it suddenly dawned on me that my dashcam was missing. I had the thought that maybe I’d forgotten to lock the car. I also wondered if my husband had taken it out of the car because I couldn’t remember whether it had been there on the drive up. Gradually the evidence came together – I found damage on the driver’s side showing that someone had inserted something metal around the edge of the door to reach the electronic lock button. A $10 bill was also missing from the little cash drawer.

It was interesting to note my reaction to all this. I felt a little disturbed that a stranger had been rummaging through my car. I felt a little bit invaded, and a little bit sorry for my car! But not too attached to the dashcam going missing. It would have probably been a different story if I’d left my wallet and iPad Mini in the car, as that would have created considerably more issues. There have been times when I have gone walking with just a water bottle, car keys and cellphone, and left the rest in the car. Just a couple of weeks ago in fact. I won’t be doing that again!

Well, I’ve probably waffled on enough for now. Time to get on with my day. I hope your day is wonderful. 🙂







It’s been a beautiful weekend here, with the temperature hitting 22°C on Saturday afternoon, which drove me outside in a tank top and skirt to absorb some rays on the back deck.

Today it was less sunny, but still 18, and all five of us (Tai Chi Man, me and all three of our man-boys) went out, after a lunch of sandwiches and birthday cake, for a hike in nature with a wonderful view of the lake. (Ds1 turns 24 this week.)

We saw a huge bald eagle perched at the top of a dead-looking tree. And a chipmunk or two. It was a reasonably strenuous hike, about two hours long, and it felt very good to burn off some calories and get the heart and lungs working. It felt good, too, to stop at a coffee shop afterwards, and I only had a green tea rather than the calorific chai latte that I could have had.

Whilst out, I attached three little yarn doodles to posts along our route, just for fun. My family just rolled their eyes!

Inspired by the Groovyghan


imageA while back, I made a colourful Groovyghan from this pattern. It was free when I downloaded it, but I believe it’s a paid pattern now. My version is here. 

Many many people have made this blanket, some with adaptations, and now I’m making another in a more limited colour palette to use up my older acrylics. I get the urge to purge every now and then and so far I have crocheted up almost ten squares in the last few days. When I do the last round on each, I’ll use black and use a join-as-you-go method to join them into strips. I’m not going to do flower blocks this time, but I do plan to make dot blocks and stripey sections similar to the first one I did.

I have an idea who this one is for, but I’m not saying yet.

A friend and I and our 17 year old sons went out hiking today on a new (to us) trail. It was fairly challenging and we had a good workout and were rewarded with an awesome view from the top. It was a bit of a drive to get there but totally worth it, and we intend to try a different trail on the same mountain next time. And my son drove us home so he got some more practice towards upgrading from an L to an N driving licence.

Aaaaaaand, now I really must get to bed. Have to be up early in the morning. Good night, peeps, and have a  fabulous day.

Skylark scarf FO






I’m not sure why I’m having issues with posting these days, but I recall that I used to be able to upload a photo to the spot I left my cursor. Now, all photos seem to default to the top of the text and even if I switch to html mode and add spaces I can’t separate them out and add text between.

So frustrating!

Anyhow, what I came here to talk about is the Skylark Scarf (link in my last post). Much as I love the colours in this yarn, I wanted to get it finished and move on to a blanket made with my collection of acrylics in blues, pinks, greens and black.

First, I should tell you I used 2.5 balls of the Lion Brand Unique and a ball of the Harlequin Chunky to make this. I’m going to confuse my Ravelry notebook as not all of the Unique was in my official stash. The scarf is about 70″ long and 12″ deep. It doesn’t look that long in the photos but, believe me, it’s really hard to get a good shot of the whole thing.

Being acrylic, I’m not sure whether blocking will help much, but the ends are twisting quite a lot and the points along the bottom are curling up so you probably can’t even see them in the photos.

So, what’s next? Well, I have a bee in my bonnet about using up some older acrylics, which I’ve piled into a big bag next to my sofa. I have various pinks, greens and blues, and the black Stylecraft Special Aran, and a couple of other black worsted weight leftovers. I have been browsing Ravelry for blanket inspiration and have considered and discarded a number of ideas. Although I don’t want to do lots of joining, I think I will probably go for something modular so that I can take small amounts of yarn out with me and work on it anywhere. I’m leaning towards another Groovyghan or something similar. I like the stained glass effect afghans that have colourful blocks edged in black. Maybe I’ll just start messing about with granny squares and see where it leads.

Ds3 and I had a good hike yesterday on a new trail in our area. An hour and ten minutes of uphill zigzagging and 50 minutes back down. Fantastic views of the lake, valley and mountains. I worked today but am hoping to get two more hikes in Thursday and Friday.

Have a fabulous day.