Tag Archives: Peacock Tail Bag

FO: Peacock Tail Bag




I am so chuffed! The Peacock Tail Bag is all done. Tabs, rings, lining, handle, magnetic closure – finished. It took exactly two months from start to finish, which included a bit of a delay as I had to wait for the supplies to arrive from Wool Warehouse.

It looks lovely and I haven’t a clue what I’m going to do with it. This was one of those cases of wanting to make something just because the pattern photo appealed and a Ravelry group that I’m in joined in with the Crochet-along.

I don’t really need another bag so rather than use and abuse it I think I will hang on to it and see if it decides who it wants to go and live with. Or maybe someone will make me an offer for it. I shall be posting the photo to Facebook tonight.

Only one WIP now and that, of course, is the Demelza blanket.


PS: I almost forgot – the yarn I used is Deramores Studio DK with a 3.5mm hook.

WIP: Peacock Tail Bag CAL


Almost there!


The bag’s front and back are now joined and the top band is finished. The bag is now blocking, hence the pins and wet spots where my iron dripped while steaming it.

I have two small crochet tabs to make for the D rings and I still don’t have a handle, but I did find some batik fabric in my modest stash which will be perfect for lining.


It’s been a busy few days with work and errands. Yesterday in particular the store was really buzzing as we had one of our “ultimate sales” which continues throughout the weekend. I am grateful not to be working today – instead I am going to an intro session for piano lessons and this evening a potluck with dear friends.

For about the last month I’ve been feeling like an old crock as I have had a few aches and pains in my back, shoulders, neck and left hip. It has disturbed my sleep, stiffened me up so I have to roll out of bed slowly in the mornings, made me limp when I get up off the couch. I think it might be due to my overly enthusiastic efforts at getting back into weight training – I really wanted to feel fit and strong but it backfired and left me whinging and wincing like an old curmudgeon.

I’ve been to the chiropractor twice this week (she found a lot out of alignment) and had a massage last weekend. This week I have more therapeutic appointments to make because I really don’t like it when my body is not flexible and pain-free.

Anyway, enough of my whining. Things to do, people to see. Better get on with it. Have a wonderful weekend, peeps!




Owls, deer and stinkbugs


Well, that made a change for a title, didn’t it!

It’s my retreat weekend and I have taken myself off for a few days at a friend’s cottage by the lake, complete with new magenta hair (thanks Joan)!


While Tai Chi Man goes to his own weekend conference location (pleasure not business) I am enjoying my own. We were up at 5am and while getting ready we heard this weird hooting sound. TC Man reckoned it was owls, so I stepped out on the back deck that leads out from the kitchen and in the dawn light, which was beautiful on its own, two owls swooped overhead and perched in the very tiptops of the trees at the bottom of the garden. Wow! That was an unexpected treat. Worth getting up early for, I’d say.

It took a couple of hours to get to the conference centre and drop husband off. I then returned to the nearest town for a pre-booked massage. Yikes!  It may have only been half an hour but it was a powerful one. I don’t think I’ve been massaged that deeply before – she did my neck, shoulders and back because that’s what I requested – I’ve had a lot of pain in that area for weeks now and it’s time to take time out for some self care. I’ll be booking some chiro when I get back.

Afterwards I headed out to find the cottage, forgetting to check the address or directions while I had wifi. Well,  I knew which road I had to drive down, I just didn’t know the number of the house, so at one point I turned around thinking I’d missed it. I turned around a couple more times after that, even calling TC Man and asking if he could look up the address. Thankfully he picked up the call and found it out for me and I realised that I hadn’t been going far enough down the lakeshore road. The deer in this story come in here – if I hadn’t been going back and forth trying to find the house, I’d have missed seeing the doe and her two fawns (who hadn’t yet learned road sense). Beautiful creatures (I will never understand people who can look at a deer and shoot it).

So finally I found the cottage and the door is covered in stinkbugs. They are outside, a few are inside, and after settling in I felt I should evict the indoor ones so I didn’t step on them or find them in my food. I think I got them all.

A short walk from the cottage is the beautiful lake, where I sat and mulled over some things that have been on my mind. While sitting there, three trains passed by on the opposite side – they were all really long – the first one I counted 70 cars before giving up. It reminded me that when we camped in this area years ago with the kids we would be woken up at night by train whistles.

I was startled by a creature appearing at my side. I hadn’t heard it approach so when it put its head near my right shoulder I jumped. It was a black labrador that was thankfully very friendly. I petted him and he sat by me for a while. After collecting some interesting rocks with sparkly bits in, I headed back to the cottage.

My crochet spot here is perfect: couch, lamp, crocheted granny square blanket (as soon as I saw that in the closet I pulled it out), table for my laptop with a socket not far away for charging. I have completed part five of the Peacock Tail Bag CAL (well, the front, anyway) and dashed outside to get a quick photo before I lost the light.


Now to get on with the back piece and then next week I can look forward to joining and finishing off the top of the bag.

I plan to have a very relaxing weekend and hope you get to do whatever gives you joy this weekend.




WIPs update


A quickie post to show you how Demelza and the Peacock Tail Bag are getting on.


I just finished Part Four, Front, of the bag. So happy to see the fifth colour, the indigo, finally being introduced. This last part, even though the rows were long, seemed to fly by (except for those front post treble four togethers in the dark indigo – not so fun)!

I now have to complete the plain rows on the back piece and then I can put this project back in its bag until next Wednesday when Part Five will be released. (I have had my suspicions confirmed that I crochet quite tightly – I used a way bigger hook than the designer but my bag piece is smaller by .75″.) The piece above is 13.25″ across.

And here’s Demelza’s central square, all done…


Again, smaller than the pattern says – this is about 14″ instead of 16″ using the exact same yarn and hook as the designer. I used all 15 colours, obviously repeating most of them. I chose my colours as I went along and I’m pleased with the result. The photo shows more contrast than exists in real life.

Well, enough waffling I guess – if I want to get more crocheting done before having to cook dinner I should get on with it.


WIP: Peacock Tail Bag



Part three of the bag is complete. There was one row in there when I had a moment of ‘OMG what have I done!’ because I reached the end of one of those more complicated rows and was one stitch short. Turns out I was supposed to start in the first stitch of the row (some are started in the second) and I think it was more my imperfect vision that caused the error rather than me forgetting which stitch I was supposed to be starting with.Had to rip out that row and redo, but it’s all good now.

FullSizeRender (1)

These beautiful colours are from the Stylecraft Special DK Cosy Pack that has been patiently waiting for me to pay attention to it. These will become the Demelza blanket. The CAL on the Ravelry group started on Thursday, September 1st, but I had to finish part 3 of the bag first. The central square of the blanket looks like a doozy with plenty of challenges (it has a 3D flower in the centre) and I really hope I can keep up with this CAL. The time limit is self-imposed – if I don’t manage to make 8 squares in a week then it doesn’t really matter but it would certainly be nice to have the project finished by Christmas. (I actually have some extra raspberry and lime, as you will see from the photo, as I had some of those colours in the turquoise colour pack.)


I participated in a Colourful Anniversary Swap in the Colourful KALs/CALs group – you may remember me making a water bottle holder and a dishcloth and sending off a parcel to Chicago, where my swap partner lives. Well, she seemed to like her parcel of goodies, and now I have received one myself. From Hamburg in Germany. All of those who participated in the swap posted their likes and dislikes to the forum thread, their hobbies, any allergies, other interests. I received a lovely package from Debby which included all the lovely swag in the above photo. Below is a goofy photo of me modelling the scrappy hat!


Since then, I had my hair cut (why does my hairdresser rave over naturally curly hair then blow dry the heck out of it and straighten it out)? So now I am going to have some fun with some pink hair dye. See ya later.

CAL: Peacock Tail Bag


imagePart two of the CAL is done. I finished the back part today at the beach. What a difference the overlay stitches make – the piece on the right has exactly the same stitches and colours, but without the front post stitches and chains.

It was mostly overcast but still high 20s and I had a swim in the lake. Ds2 and I met friends who we hadn’t seen in a while and stayed long enough that Tai Chi Man was able to come and join us after finishing work and cool off in the lake.

While there, we spotted some smoke coming from a hillside to the south of us.


I don’t think it was a large fire and the water bombers (planes) attacked it quickly, so I heard. This is the fourth one that I know of in our direct area in the last couple of weeks. Can you see the smoke? It’s right in the middle of the photo.

Well, rather than type this I really should be crocheting my ripple blanket right now, so do excuse me!



CAL: Peacock Tail Bag – part 2



Part Two of the CAL was released today. The next few rounds had their challenges but I figured it all out and it looks like it should. This is the front of the bag. I will do part two of the back another day – it will be plain stripes without the clusters and front post stitches. I am so pleased to see the Malachite colourway appear on the last round

Today is my birthday. I’m now 54! As Tai Chi Man was at work, ds1 was at work, ds2 was disinterested, and ds3 is out of town, it was up to me to find something fun to make my birthday special. So I arranged to meet a friend for lunch (she gave me a Himalayan salt lamp) at a vegan cafe, after which we wandered around some nearby small shops, including a yarn shop (at which I didn’t spend any  money), then went to the beach for some swimming and sunbathing.

Dinner was something simple, though it included my favourite cashew-based salted caramel cluster ice cream, and of course as I don’t do dishes on my birthday Tai Chi Man and ds2 had the pleasure of cleaning up.

And of course tonight I relaxed in the usual way with my crochet.

I never did get around to baking a cake or anything so I think I will do that tomorrow and make enough to share at work in the evening.

Is it just me or did this summer whizz by too fast? I can’t believe it’s September in about a week.



Learning new techniques


I’m taking a step in a more advanced direction with my two current projects.

When I signed up for Lillabjorn’s Crochet newsletter, so I could keep up with the Peacock Tail Bag CAL, I received a link for the Macaron Pincushion. So a couple of nights ago I made half of the pincushion (which was all I had time for that night as it got really late).

It turned out to be the perfect intro to the designer’s writing style and techniques, so that when I started the Peacock Tail Bag last night (again, way too late) I could understand it easily.

The pincushion and bag both use overlay crochet techniques, which just means stitches add texture by being made over the top of plain stitches in previous rounds. The patterns recommend very small hooks for the type of yarn, and I am using a 3.5mm one as I find anything smaller splits the yarn and also is too tiring.

This is the yarn I’m using for both projects:

bag cal 3

Deramores Studio DK, 100% acrylic. It’s very soft and nice to work with. These colours are from the Gemstones Pack  that I bought some time ago but it’s still available. (That link will take you to the main site and prices in UK pounds, but click on the thingy at the top for the currency of your choice. They ship everywhere. Very reasonably.)

This is the first half of the pincushion:


And this is part one of the bag CAL – it seems we will be crocheting the front and back of the bag at the same time. The front will have the fancy overlay stitches, the back is plain stripes. I now have to wait until the middle of next week to get part two, but that’s fine – I’d rather progress slowly than fall behind with too high of an expectation.

bag cal 1

Later I can finish the pincushion and even add to my ripple blanket.

bag cal 2

Have you done any Crochet- or Knit-alongs?


Sunny (beachy) dishcloth



(Unblocked dishcloth)

This is going to be part of my surprise swap gift, when I get around to parcelling it up and mailing it. There’s no rush – the deadline for mailing is a month away.

I could send it off soon, but I might wait another week or two just to see if I can think of any small additions.

This free  pattern is called Sunny dishcloth by  Yarnspirations. It’s very simple and probably took only about an hour to make. The main part is a plain circle made up of hdcs, and the points of the sun are constructed sideways with ever taller stitches. Quite simple and once you’ve made one point you’re away. It’s made from worsted weight cotton (in this case, Bernat Handicrafter – By the Sea colourway) and a 5mm hook.

Have you seen the beautiful Peacock Tail Bag from Lilla Bjorn? It’s a Crochet-along (CAL) that will start on August 17th. We’re going to be talking about it and posting progress pics in the Ravelry Group Colourful CALs/KALs and I think I might join in. My thought is to use the jewel toned pack of Deramores Studio DK that I bought months ago.

I’m a bit of a rebel – I don’t like being told what to do, and sometimes I feel like a specific commitment is too much to think about and clutters up my brain, which is why I’m not joining in with the Ravellenic Games this time around (the knitting and crochet version of the Olympics). However this is one gorgeous bag.

It depends on how I feel in August, but it’s not as big a commitment as a blanket CAL so I think I might do it!