Knit night


I don’t have any pretty pictures to show you today but I wanted to say I had a lovely evening at Kelowna Yarn and Needlecrafts tonight. Tuesday nights are knitting nights at the store and I carpooled with a new friend.

It’s funny how things happen…

A few weeks ago I was walking around my neighbourhood, just getting some exercise, when I happened to pass a mum with a little girl on a tricycle. I said hello and carried on, but I was sure I knew her from somewhere. Then it clicked! I had seen her face on Ravelry!

Amazingly, my brain also managed to put a name to the face (otherwise I would have been having to check everyone’s avatars in the forums to try to track her down). That evening, I PM’d her and said, “Was that you?” Turns out I was right, she’s a knitter, she’s on Ravelry and she lives just a few roads away from me.

So tonight she drove us to the knit night, at which I met another lady who reads my blog and lives very close to me (we met before at the Cat Bordhi workshop earlier in the year) (Hi Ann). And I made good progress on my Marble vest – I’ve started the decreases for the shaped right front. Add to that some stealth knitting this afternoon that I can’t show you because it’s a gift, and I have two very sore index fingers, one calloused and the other with a split in the skin. Maybe there IS such a thing as too much knitting!

I love how knitting knits people together as well as yarn!

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