Tag Archives: Christmas ornaments

November wrap-up


We’re nearly at the end of November. I’ll be doing Vlogmas on my YouTube channel, Stitches and Slapdashery, so I hope you’ll be able to visit me every day in December over there.

It’s been a quiet month. I was feeling under the weather for a large chunk of it, culminating in a few days of heavy cold, but I’m better now.

I’ve been gradually adding to the pile of small Christmas gifts, including coasters, earrings, upcycled denim bags and pen pouches.

House coasters

The above were made using a YT tutorial called Chicken Love by Minki Kim.

Ugly Christmas sweaters

Crocheted ornaments from a pattern by Fay Lyth on Ravelry.

Handmade journal

Random paper and printed card made for a pretty journal for my December plans.

Lots of grannies

I crocheted 36 fugly granny squares with two strands of DK and a 6.5mm hook, which I’m currently sewing together to make pants!!

Folded square coasters

More coasters from a simple tutorial by SewCanShe.

Three upcycled jeans projects
Some earrings
Pen pouches

These are from Christine’s Home Affairs on YouTube.

I am still between jobs but feeling the urge to get a resumé together so that I can line something up for January. To that end, I’m studying for Food Safe Level 1 so that I can add that qualification to my resumé.

I’d love to see you over on YouTube during December. Happy crafting!